INCONEL® alloy X-750 (UNS N07750/W. Nr. 2.4669) is a precipitation-hardenable nickel-chromium alloy used for its corrosion and oxidation resistance and high strength at temperatures to 1300°F. Although much of the effect of precipitation hardening is lost with increasing temperature over 1300°F, heat-treated material has useful strength up to 1800°F. Alloy X-750 also has excellent properties down to cryogenic termperatures. Composition is shown in Table 1. The economics of INCONEL alloy X-750 coupled with its availability in all standard mill forms has
resulted in applications in a wide variety of industrial fields. In gas turbines, it is used for rotor blades and wheels, bolts, and other structural members. INCONEL alloy X-750 is used extensively in rocket-engine thrust chambers. Airframe applications include thrust reversers and hot-air ducting systems. Large pressure vessels are formed from INCONEL alloy X-750. Other
applications are heat-treating fixtures, forming tools, extrusion dies, and test machine grips. For springs and fasteners, INCONEL alloy X-750 is used from sub-zero to 1200°F. Depending on the application and the properties desired, various heat treatments are employed. For service above 1100°F, particularly where loads are to be sustained for long times, optimum properties are
achieved by solution treating (2100°F) plus stabilization treating (1550°F) plus precipitation treating (1300°F). For service below 1100°F, the alloy may be strengthened by precipitation treating after hot or cold working or by precipitation treating after equalizing or solution treating. A furnace-cooling treatment is also used to develop optimum properties for some applications.

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