NITRONIC 50 Stainless Steel provides a combination of corrosion resistance and strength not found in any other commercial material available in its price range. This austenitic stainless has corrosion resistance greater than that provided by Types 316 and 316L, plus approximately twice the yield strength at room temperature. In addition, Armco NITRONIC 50 Stainless has very good mechanical properties at both elevated and sub-zero temperatures. And, unlike many austenitic stainless steels, NITRONIC 50 does not become magnetic when cold worked.

NITRONIC 50 stainless bars also are available in a high-strength condition attained by special processing techniques. The superior strength of NITRONIC 50 HS produced by hot-rolling is size dependent, approaching that of annealed bars with sizes over 3” diameter. Because its high strength is produced by mill processing, welding operations cannot be performed on this material without loss of strength. High-strength bars produced by rotary forging special practice may have somewhat reduced resistance to corrosion and sulfide stress cracking.

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